Somebody pinch me! The Gadanke story is spreading.
Members of the press can contact Katie Clemons here.
Gadanke Press
Opened the doors to Katie’s home in the airplane hangar in The Bozeman Daily Chronicle’s quarterly magazine, At Home. March 2014.
Shared an easy way to repurpose old birthday and Christmas cards on Good Housekeeping online. December 2013.
Spotlighted in Bozeman Magazine’s Made in Montana monthly column in a piece called “Woman’s Eco-friendly Journals Help Capture Life’s Stories.” December 2012.
Katie was called a fashionista in Cleo, Malaysia’s equivalent to Cosmo, in a 2-page spread about her eco-sensitive approach to clothing. December 2011.
Picked as one of Huffington Post’s “9 Gifts That Will Last Forever” holiday collection. December 2011.
Katie was interviewed for a piece on living affordably in two countries simultaneously by the popular Slovenian finance magazine, Moje Finance. November 2011.
Highlighted in the local evening newspaper with a front page spread. August 2011.
Interviewed by Americas biggest German newspaper, Amerika Wocheabout storycatching and the new generation moving back to Germany. August 2011.
Spotlighted in Hollins alumnae magazine in a piece called “Enterprising Alumnae.” Summer 2011.
Featured with her German kitchen on Mother Earth News in an article called “5 Tips for Making a Tiny Kitchen Work--Beautifully.” July 2011.
Again featured in Mother Earth News in an article called “Living Small in Berlin: Focusing Less on Stuff, More on Experience.” July 2011.
Featured on the front page of the Sunday Business section of the Montana Standard, celebrating Katie’s passion for storycatching and living in Montana. March 2011.
Apartment Therapy shared Katie's German kitchen remodel with readers not once, but twice!
Gabrielle Blair featured Gadanke on her popular blog, Design Mom, stating, “I’m putting these on the gift list for my introspective tween.”
Oohdeedoh, a former division of Apartment Therapy, raved about Gadanke’s baby book!
Shared the before and after journey of remodeling an old 36 square foot kitchen in Berlin, Germany on Young House Love.
The 36 square foot kitchen remodel Katie and her husband did in Germany featured on the beautiful design blog, Decor8.
What do I call Katie? Brave. Charming. Generous. Inspiring.
Katie’s Speaking
Gave an interactive presentation entitled “Story Matters: How to Catch and Celebrate Life’s Moments” at The Yellowstone Gateway Museum. April 2014.
Spoke at TEDxMinot on the topic “Story Matters: Empowering Our Community and Lives Through Shared Narrative.” September 2013.
Participated as a panelist on Paperclipping, The Scrapbooking Roundtable weekly podcast, in a discussion about embellishing pages. June 2013.
Participated as the Delta Kappa Gamma honored guest and speaker, discussing why it’s just as important for teachers to write their stories as it is to teach children to do so. October 2011.
Spoke at A Woman Inspired with a speech and Q&A session on the topic “Living with Less: Creating a life of meaning without all the stuff.” January 2010.
Interviewed Clarice Richardson, Katie’s grandma, in NPR’s StoryCorps recording bus at Clarice’s 90th birthday party, inspiring Katie’s storycatching mission. July 2008.
Contact Katie about speaking at your event or organization – in person or online! – here.
As a writer, I know the terror of the blank page that can overwhelm my creative expression. That’s where Katie comes in.
Katie’s Writing
Shared the story and photos of Baby Niklas’ paper airplane baby shower in Mingle, Stampington’s publication for unique gatherings. Spring 2014.
Inspiring The Art of Simple readers with quarterly DIY and passionate living articles including “On Having Kids Later in Life (or Not at All)” and “What to Do with Old Cards and Letters” since 2011.
Offering monthly behind-the-scenes entrepreneurial stories and work-at-home tips at Life Your Way since spring 2014.
Featured in Stampington’s Somerset Memories with a four-page piece called “Love Where We Live” that included journaling tips and peeks in Katie’s journal from Berlin, Germany. Spring 2013.
Shared inspiration on Simple Kids with a piece called “How to encourage kids in their journal writing.” November 2012.
Contributed to the beautiful Everyday Storyteller, Vol. 1 scrapbooking how-to book with a piece entitled “Why Storytelling Matters” that incorporated pages from Katie’s Christmas journal. May 2012.
Shared the story of a typical Sunday in Germany on the former Hallmark Magazine online. 2009.
I LOVE the journal set I bought. After years (many years!) of searching for a good solution for myself, Katie’s is perfect. I'm using it as a memory book/journal as well as a way to take notes, manage my to-do list and so on.
Recipient of the State of Montana’s EcoStar Pollution Prevention Green Business Award for the past four consecutive years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.
Proud to have Gadanke journals certified Made in Montana with the Montana Department of Commerce.